Tag Archives: advice

Sticky or sweet, life is a bowl of cherries.

Imagine sitting in a bowl of these.
Imagine sitting in a bowl of these.

So I’m trying to get this very blog site to work. I’m absolutely determined to do most of the work independently to have more creative control and a better sense of ownership. Apparently the cost of this is feeling like I’m on the brink of an aneurysm as I make mistake after mistake. And then I’m reminded – making mistakes is a part of being mature . Being imperfect is downright practical. If I choose to do that which I can only do perfectly, I’d be reduced to sleeping all the time, and as alluring as being a modern day sleeping beauty sounds, I’ll take the occasional pimple, faux-pas, foot-in-mouth, and maybe will even laugh so hard soda shoots out my nose…..if it makes me more human.  Sometimes sticky, sometimes sweet, every situation is a learning experience.

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